Thursday, August 30, 2018

Academic Success Night!

Save the Date! 

Tuesday, October 2 is our first Academic Success Night for the year. Come hang out at school, and share in our learning around math. 


Soon Mr. Rickman will be coming to visit classes and talk about the students' opportunity to participate in Strings. After he visits classes this interest form will come home.  Please note that Bass is also an option, just list that separately. Please discuss Strings participation with your child and return this form by Monday, September 11th. 

A couple of things to keep in mind when considering Strings participation:
  • If your child may want to do Orchestra at the middle school level, they need to have participated in Strings in 5th grade.
  • Your child will not miss academic instruction during the Strings time.
  • Students are encouraged to practice at home during the week, but the practice time is minimal and manageable!